Area of Expertise / Specialist field:
- Breast surgery, liposuction, facelift, blepharoplasty, correction of genitals, body-tightening, autologous fat treatment
- Aesthetic treatment with botox and hyaluronic acid
- Reconstructive surgery (plastic recontructive surgery as breast reconstruction)
As a postgraduate plastic and aesthetic surgeon Christopher Wachsmuth worked at Würzburg universitiy clinic for many years. He then had further education and extensive training at leading clinics for plastic and aesthetic surgery abroad. ( Sydney /Australia, Auckland/ Newseeland and Madrid/ Spain.
In addition Christopher Wachsmuth graduated in hand-surgery and worked at the emergency department for hand surgery, replantation- and reconstructive hand- surgery.
Christopher Wachsmuth worked as assistent medical director at one of germanys biggest universitiy teaching hospitals for plastic surgery (and burn-center) for many years. He is adept in dealing with complex medical cases.
Additionally he was responsible for the education and trainig of resident physicians in plastic and aesthetic surgery as well in hand surgery. He has also been responsible for hosting various training symposia nationwide. Christopher Wachsmuth is consultant to diverse teaching hospitals (as the university clinic) and nationwide breast-centers.

Physician of the year 2012
In 2012 Christopher Wachsmuth received the well-respected Pulsus Award.
He was awarded physician of the year for his commitment in the aid organisation "Operation Restore Hope e.V."
He published several scientific works in specialist literature and gave many lectures at symposia for plastic and aesthetic surgery.
He has also been working as accredited authorized-expert for plastic and hand surgery.
Besides Christopher Wachsmuth was appointed senior consultant of leading public clinics (amongst others clinics in United Arab Emirates) where he works continuously.
His consulting activities imply also the field of reconstructiv plastic breast surgery.
Beyond this he was appointed „MEMBER OF BOARD“ in plastic surgery at the academy oft he „International Reference and Development Center for surgical Technology“ (IRDC International Board of Surgeons).
Together with professors of university clinics and famous national und international colleagues Christopher Wachsmuth initiates annual symposia about modern face-treatments and face-surgery.
Federal Cross of Merit for Dr. Wachsmuth
Leipzig physician Christopher Wachsmuth was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on November 18, 2019.
The plastical surgeon is recommended from the German embassy and the foreign office for this honor.
The reasoning states: His commitment, which has been ongoing for twenty years, goes far beyond the average charitable commitment and shows great passion for issues that correspond to Germany's interests.

Memberships and further commitment
- Full member of the German Society for plastic reconstructive and aesthetic surgeons / DGPRÄC (former VDPC)
- Full member of the professional institution of german surgeons / BDC
- Full member of the international Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS)
- Member of the "Society for Aesthetic and Reconstructive Intimate Surgery Germany" (GAERID e.V.)
- Accredited active member and leader of the german department of the international team of plastic surgeons „Operation Restore Hope“ which is on duty anually with humanitary surgery on the Philippines ( Manila, Cebu) , leader oft he german delegation.
- Chairman of „Operation Restore Hope“, which is accredited as non-profit organisation.
Video: Physician of the year 2012
April 2017 - Hands-On Workshop Ellansé™
April 2017 - Teilnahmebescheinigung über den 6. Leipziger Kurs
Februar 2017 - Zertifikat des Allergan Medical Institute® International Meetings
Allergan International Meeting
Juni 2016 - Zertifikat der Galderma Masterclass in Zürich
Mai 2016 - Allergan Expert Meeting in Berlin
2013/06/22 Allergan Expert Forum in Berlin
Allergan Educational Programme
Seit 2010 IRDC Academy Leipzig Surgical Trainer


Praxisklinik für Plastische und Ästhetische Chirurgie
Dr. Wachsmuth & Dr. Völpel
Fritz-Seger-Str. 21
04155 Leipzig
Phone: +49 (0) 341 - 583 19 40
Fax: 0341 - 583 194 111
Office hours
Mo - Thur: 9.00am - 6.00pm
Fr: 9.00am - 4.00pm